In making my own broths/stocks I am gaining medicinal value that has been stripped from processed food, saving money, utilizing parts of the animal that typically are thrown away to do it, and I have found ways to incorporate vegetables that would be thrown away otherwise. I have started a freezer bag which I use to collect vegetable scraps to add to my broth when I make it rather than using whole, fresh vegetables. I use the peeling from carrots and potatoes as well as the skin and ends of onions and garlic. There are a TON of nutrients in the peels of vegetables that we usually just throw out that you can now start drinking and using in your cooking! I use the ends of asparagus that we snap off, broccoli stocks, zucchini if I don't cook it before it gets somewhat wilty, cabbage, you get the idea! It truly feels good to be making something that I use often in cooking for practically no cost to myself! I already have been buying whole chickens for years to cook with. Today I even cooked a whole chicken and didn't feel the need to make chicken broth, as I have some in my freezer, so after boiling my chicken until cooked and deboning it I just gathered the uncooked gizzards and bones and placed them in a ziploc to freeze until I was ready. I was making a chicken pot pie tonight, in which I utilized some chicken stock I had made previously, and all the vegetable scraps from the onions, carrots, and celery went into my freezer bag for stocks. I literally threw nothing away. Even the egg shell from using the egg white to coat the crust went into my compost pile which in turn will nourish our garden next spring! I used a store bought pie crust (because making dinner with a one year old vying for my attention is pushing it and if I made a pie crust it would push me to insanity) and even the cardboard box it came in got torn into small pieces to mix into the compost pile. Compost piles need both carbine and nitrogen (brown and green materials) and since mine is heavy on green materials due to kitchen scraps and grass cuttings I am utilizing paper and cardboard waste for the brown materials thereby decreasing the amount of overall trash my household is producing. This just makes sense to me in terms of being a good steward of this beautiful earth the Lord has given us as well as decreasing my reliance on man made convenience's such as trash pick up. I mean, thank God for trash pick up and I need it still, but I would love it if I could figure out a way to re-use and recycle to the extent that I could cancel my trash pick up and instead pocket that money, as well as decrease the thoughtless amount of trash we produce! I am working towards that goal within the next year.
Within the next few years I would LOVE it if we could get our own chickens to harvest rather than singly for eggs. Not only is this again much healthier, but it again decreases one's reliance on man made conveniences and is an awesome way to practice stewardship and appreciation of the food God has provided to us.
Here is a picture of the chicken pot pie I made tonight, with four cups of healthy homemade chicken bone broth in it! :) Delicious and nutritive! I would share a link for the recipe but I read three different ones and took my favorite ideas and combined them to make my own. :) and both have very popular recipes. Everything tastes better, in my opinion, with fresh herbs and I was excited to use some fresh thyme from our herb garden for the first time this year! I even made extra filling on the side so that tomorrow I can make a few smaller pies for just Eli and I. These I will freeze before cooking so there will be something easy to throw in the oven when Sang is gone all week for work. Its always more challenging for me to be motivated to cook when he isn't home so I figured this would be a good way to at least get a couple good meals in.
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